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Association of Clinical Trials Organizations (ACTO)
non-commercial organization of the companies/ legal entities and clinical research community engaged in clinical trials in Russia.

August 15th, 2012

Meeting with representatives of BioLogitic


The basic services provided by "BioLogistic" were presented to the meeting participants. "BioLogistic" company is represented at the Russian Clinical Trials Logistics market since 2009, as a 3PL-provider, carries out transportation, arrangement, packaging and storage of biological materials, pharmaceutical products and expendables on the territory of Russian Federation.

The meeting participants also discussed the specific services of the company "BioLogistic": on-line control of movements and temperature monitoring of the shipment, as well as possible actions in case of temperature deviations, the export of biological materials, delivery of dangerous shipments and the possibility of delivery in mode 7/24, including delivery in far regions of the country.

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